This is an image of the braille alphabet in simulated braille as written in grade 2

Transcribing with Braille 2000

Braille 2000 has been a chalenge to work with. With this in mind, the goal of the following sections of this site will not be to teach the course. Instead, I will talk about the struggles one has found while taking the course. This may be true no matter what the software is, but yet, this site will talk about and demo in sections how we've come from Jaws and no speech, to a full blown assistant we call The Talking Edition.

The talking edition can be had for $30 a month, $999 outright. Other multimonth options are available, please contact the sales and support department of Braille2000 through our contact page or the Braille2000 web site.

When this section is fully done, concepts of Braille 2000 will be taught to better use the product as a blind transcriber. There may not have been issues within that lesson, however, to keep things syncronized, we'll indicate that when developing the particular set of pages found here.


The Talking Edition was devised because of complications while I have been taking the course. We started this project in May 2019. Today, it is a full fledge assistant to give feedback to things such as style, reading of documents, full support for 6-key entry, the reading of units such as lines, paragraphs, characters, and even an exact representation to bring out font attributes, capitalization, and punctuation.

The software uses the SAPI capabilities built in to Windows, so the voices you need to have already. In Windows 10, these are two voices, and both are available through our settings dialogue box discussed in the documentation provided as well as in our audio tutorials found on our web site.


We provide documentation for the talking edition in multiple formats. We are providing documentation in RTF, BRF, and DXB format.

Our documents repository has just the listing of all files, but we'll also provide relevant documentation where applicable throughout the web site. The voice documentation is given below.

Please contact the accessibility unit of Braille2000 or the support department through our contact page should you have any questions or concerns to bring to our attention. We want to hear from you!

Assignments from the corespondence course

The Braille Transcription course is administered through the National Federation for the Blind. The current course is 20 lessons with lesson 20 being the final exam. On the following pages, we'll walk you through any struggles if any, and demos where applicable. We are not teaching the course and your milage will vary. Please find an index of assignments below, to find out how it was delbt with and how the Talking Edition came to be.

Demos where applicable will show course material both with Jaws, and with the talking edition, and various aspects of the talking edition are used to gage us where we are, what the document has in it in relationship to Jaws telling us, but no answers to problems will be given.

Sentences may be given as examples of things I've gotten wrong that I later understood. This is to help you understand what I got wrong, or what I may not have understood. If demoing sentences from the book while typing, the exact number will not be typed, a new file will be used. Also, when demoing how JFW reads sentences, the exact number is given, however, what page it would be on is not given. I'm not mentioning whether the sentence being read was right or wrong either. You'll need to figure it out on your own!

Assignments of this course

Below, please find a list of assignments taken from the coorespondence course. Some of the titles I've shortened for space purposes, please keep that in mind. You'll notice this with longer named assignments, where it may have put the title on two lines which would make it too long.

Remember! There are 19 full lessons to have graded before the final manuscript. Assignment 20 is that manuscript, and 19 is a simulated manuscript although it is done with the instructors help. If you are taking the course via a mentor, and not through the certifying authority, your lessons may vary. Understand that the assignments here are taken from the course through corespondence, and your milage will vary greatly!

That completes the list of assignments! Thanks so much for checking out how Braille2000 worked with each assignment, and I hope it has been useful to you.


Thank you for reading the web site and finding it of value. Please choose from the following links to continue.

If you wish to donate to this project and you find it of value, you may go to go to this paypal link to donate or go go to the JaredRimer Network donations page to do so. Its not required, but it would be appreciated. The best way to say thanks however is to buy the talking edition through Braille2000 as that is what this site is for.

Copyright notice

Copyright 2019 - 2025
by Jared Rimer. No portions of this Web Page may be reproduced. Web pages within this web site may have links outside the Jared Rimer network, and Jared Rimer is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies when leaving this web site.

If you find broken links, please report them to Jared Rimer through the contact web page. Please state what page you were on, and what you were expecting. Jared then will be in communication with you during the bug reporting process. We thank you for the opportunity to serve you!


I would like to sincerely thank Bob Stepp at Braille 2000 for his hard dedicated work with this project. Without you, I'd be stuck using a product I am not too fond of, and I like the value of choice. Thank you so much for your assistance as we develop a great product.

I'd like to also thank any other testers used within this project and providing feedback. Without you, we are unable to find all possible issues and we thank you for providing that feedback. Please continue to do so.


Links on this web site are for informational purposes only. The experiences are my own, and your milage will vary. No answers on the transcription course are given, only experiences as I learn what the course wanted, and my knowledge of Braille 2000 grew. The tutorial and demos are for you to learn, and Braille 2000 staff encourages you to contact us with comments, questions, or concerns with the way the software works.

This site collects no personal information. A link to contact Jared Rimer at the accessibility department is provided and it is an off site email address. This domain is used as an informational source. Bob's information has been provided as a convenience, please contact Bob with specific technical issues beyond my scope and knowledge of the product. I'll be sure to let you know if I do not know about the issue, and we'll learn together. Please share your experiences! We work as a team, without you, the product couldn't be what it is today.